Dreams—everyone has them. They offer us glimpses of what the future could hold, hope that the world doesn’t have to stay like it is, and visions of how we might make a difference. Every time one walks into the high country of Colorado, they make vows with themselves. Vows that they will live beyond themselves. That they will not just care about short term gains, but that they attempt to grasp the vastness of eternity. Wilderness Expedition’s treks offer just that—a time to Dream.
One such time was on a mountain name Pacific with a group from Wichita Falls, Texas. Pacific has several features that make it stand out. First, the summit comes to a dramatic point which makes it look like a mountain straight out of Lord of the Rings. Second, in late summer the flowers start to blanket the mountain side. It gets so thick that the grass is absolutely covered with flowers. You have the feeling that you are in a movie or at a five star hotel, but surely the flowers cannot grow like this naturally, yet they do. It makes you think of Luke 12: 27-28 when Jesus says, “Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all of his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you?”
The week had been a powerful week and the group had come along way. One young man in particular, had struggled very much over the past year. The final night on the mountain after a long successful day of summiting, he spoke up around the campfire. He explained about how tough the past year had been dealing with divorce in his family, problems with his friends, and temptations he was facing. He said, “I don’t want to go home. I just want to stay up here forever. Life is so perfect up here and down there it is so difficult.” I don’t think he understood the magnitude of what he was saying. This young man unlocked the secret of nature and the calling of his King.
God calls us in necessary times to leave the cities and go to the mountains with him to dream. He shows us through his creation how he has designed the world and how we fit into it. He shouts to us through the serenity that the Kingdom has come and that it is possible to have the Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. This is the heart of Wilderness Expeditions; this is the experience that people come back for year after year. Share your story here or go on your own journey this summer!